Last week I was asked, “Of all the gifts you have ever received, what is your favorite?” I immediately thought of a garage door opener from decades before. I know, a practical gift was my favorite of all time? And that same year I received diamonds as well! However,...
We all know it, yet we all forget! Maybe its denial, maybe its wishful thinking or just selective memory. Whatever it is, consider this a reminder to anyone thinking about updating a room, revamping an outdoor space, touching up paint, or any other house hold...
Does the words “wedding” and “budget” belong in the same sentence? With just the mention of the word “wedding” and the price sky rockets. However, for this wedding the bride wanted to keep it simple, unique and affordable. So as...
Frame it! It’s that, easy peasy. From children’s masterpieces, photographs, postcards, letters, wallpaper, and to my personal favorite mirrors! If you want to make a child feel special, take one of their drawings or macaroni sculptures off the fridge and...
As I love to stage vacant homes I often find myself in furniture stores, which gives me an opportunity to find really inexpensive treasures. By treasures I mean pieces that have been damaged, are old or outdated, or could use a little repurposing and design...
Happy New Years! One of my fellow toastmasters wrote a blog recently suggesting we should not make resolutions, but instead make goals. Since I am not very good at keeping resolutions, I liked that idea. I won’t bore you with my “goals” for the year;...