Last week I was asked, “Of all the gifts you have ever received, what is your favorite?” I immediately thought of a garage door opener from decades before. I know, a practical gift was my favorite of all time? And that same year I received diamonds as well! However, it was more of what the gift represented than the gift itself.  I had recently purchased my first home and that garage door opener symbolized my new status as a home owner!

After thinking about the question for a while I realized I could have answered with something much deeper. Like my favorite gift is being able to spend the holidays with family and friends or giving to others. However, I’m not that selfless so my second thought was of the homemade gifts I’d received. I not only like to receive custom made gifts, I like to give them as well. Here is a few I made this year.

Decorating glass blocks

Glass block project 2

Glass block project
Of all the gifts I have ever and will ever receive or give, I know my true favorite. It’s the gift of someone’s time. It seems time has become in short supply, when in reality we are all given the same 24 hours every day. It is simply a choice of what or who we decide to invest our precious time on. So whether you spend time driving to the boonies to see me, talking with me on the phone, allowing me to stage/design your home or reading my blog: I appreciate every single one of you that chooses me!

So what is your favorite gift of all time?

Merry Christmas and remember –

It is not the gifts under the tree that matter, it’s the ones around it.