The all important mantle

The fireplace is typically the focal point of a living room. So it is important to create a beautifully designed mantle. We will focus on decorating the mantle for Christmas, but the basic rules applies to everyday items as well. Starting with garland, drape it across the mantle. I prefer the low profile stocking holders, but regardless of which kind you use, weave the garland around the stocking holders. If your mantle is too narrow, you can use monofilament fishing line, a few carefully placed tacks and swag the garland just below the mantle. Even if you do not have a mantle, you can use brick clips to swag a garland over a fireplace (brick clips are a great way to hang almost anything on brick or stone WITHOUT DRILLING-they can be found at places like Lowes, and of course online). Now, the trick to decorating the top of the mantle is to imagine a large triangle shape. Place the largest piece in the middle, that could be a large picture of Santa hanging on the wall, or a mirror with a wreath hung from a red ribbon directly in front of it. Then cascade your way down with varying heights and shapes, being careful to balance out each side. You can vary heights by placing books, or small wrapped boxes under items; such as framed pictures, candles, Christmas décor, and vases filled with ornaments. Be imaginative and unpredictable!


One of my favorite things to do, which I believe really amps up the Christmas feeling in a home, is to create tablescapes! It can be on your dining room table, entry table, coffee table, sofa table or on a small space on your kitchen counter. Just as you do with a mantle, vary heights, shapes and sizes.  Although you have to find a nice balance, it doesn’t need to be in a triangle shape. Use odd numbers, add texture and layer, especially place settings.  For an inexpensive alternative to flowers bring in nature elements; pine cones, sticks (natural, or spray painted white or  metallic) and small branches from trees.  Not enough place-mats?  Use wrapping paper instead.  If it still doesn’t look quite right, try placing groupings on a tray, place-mat, holiday runner or small throw. Mixing metals gives a lot of interest, and dimension – don’t go too far, but a mix of glass, gold and white can be very festive.  Remember small changes can have big impacts,  so tweak until you get it just right – and most importantly, have fun!

Merry Christmas and Happy decorating!