Often we are called in to make recommendations to a property before staging. This property had been a rental for years before the owners decided it was time to sell. It needed updating but the owners were not sure what would give them the best bang for their buck. So we made our recommendations and the payoff was definitely worth it! Sold in days!
- BEFORE – the mismatched flooring is the first thing you see. However, not worth the cost of replacing for selling.
- AFTER Staging – flooring is still the same but not as jarring
- BEFORE – a fresh coat of paint was needed.
- BEFORE – we had a few recommendations before staging, including removing the hanging pot rack
- AFTER – Clear sight lines
- BEFORE – the wall paint color was a creamy white and only highlighted the outdated fixtures. We recommended painting the walls for the best ROI. We received push back but in the end walls were painted same color as bedroom.
- AFTER – Clients were thrilled with the color choice when they saw for themselves, the color made a huge difference.
- BEFORE – one of our goals is keeping cost down, but painting the purple accent wall was worth it.
- One more look – AFTER